Lembro-me ainda como se fosse hoje de quando a Sandra apareceu com uma caixinha de madeira, muito bonitinha e misteriosa, lá pra meados da fau, e quando ela me apresentou o conteúdo - um conjunto de 100 cartões postais com imagens de Alan Fletcher - eu fiquei fascinada! Um mais legal que o outro! E o que me cativou de imediato foi que, além de serem super bonitos, a maioria era uma reflexão ilustrada, uma sacada engraçada ou, se quisermos, uma solução gráfica genial. Acabei comprando também um "100 Maverick Postcards".
I still remember like it was yesterday when Sandra appeared with a wooden box, very beautiful and mysterious, near mid-graduation, and when she showed me the content - a set of 100 postcards with images of Alan Fletcher - I was fascinated! One cooler than the other! What captivated me immediately was that, besides being super cute, they were mostly an illustrated reflection, a funny brain wave, or I can say, genial graphic solutions. I ended up also buying a "100 Maverick Postcards".
I still remember like it was yesterday when Sandra appeared with a wooden box, very beautiful and mysterious, near mid-graduation, and when she showed me the content - a set of 100 postcards with images of Alan Fletcher - I was fascinated! One cooler than the other! What captivated me immediately was that, besides being super cute, they were mostly an illustrated reflection, a funny brain wave, or I can say, genial graphic solutions. I ended up also buying a "100 Maverick Postcards".